Arizona Prostitution Bill with mandatory jail time
Sadly Signed by the Governor on Monday 5/8/06
I am not surprised. Someday those trying to force street hookers on
the public need to get serious about the huge public nuisance issue citizens
will not put up with in their neighborhoods. No one cares that
maybe 90% of "prostitution" is private consenting adult respecting the public
by not being on the streets. Such facts get in the way of political
and religious right agenda's.
Note that this is already the law in Phoenix but few people are convicted
or serve any time due to plea bargains and often the County Attorney deciding
to to prosecute the case, especially if officers participated in any sex.
All of Sheriff Joes busts were tossed.Bill requiring jail for prostitutes
now law
Associated Press
May. 9, 2006 12:00 AM
Gov. Janet Napolitano on Monday signed into law a bill to require jail time
for prostitutes and their customers. The bill requires 15 days in jail for
a first offense, 30 days for a second offense, 60 days for a third offense
and 180 days for any additional offenses. Prostitution is a misdemeanor punishable
by up to six months in jail, but the bill mandates jail time and makes a fourth
or subsequent offense a low-grade felony.
The bill's sponsor, Republican Sen. Chuck Gray of Mesa, said it would provide
a statewide solution to a situation in which prostitutes go from one city
to another to avoid local crackdowns. Gray said that the jail mandate is intended
to get prostitutes off the street and into rehabilitation programs and that
the felony provision would encourage repeat offenders to leave the state.
Opponents criticized both the mandatory jail time and the felony provision
as obstacles to rehabilitation efforts.
Wise comments from a List Member:
As always we appreciate your insightful and intelligent observations
and diligence to educating folks out there on important issues such as
this. I truly appreciated your talking points and insight. I just wanted
to mention one other important talking point that some of your list members
might also consider using.
Please mention that Judges who are setting on the bench reviewing these
cases daily, as well as attorneys on both sides, all of which have far
more education and awareness of these cases and are perfectly capable
of ruling on these cases without being told how to do their job, and what
sentences are mandatory. Mandatory sentencing is a slap in the face to
the fine people who have years of education and experience in dealing
on a daily basis with our judicial system and with the "individuals" involved.
Remember our legal system may not be perfect but it is the best in the
world because we treat (or at least try to treat) everyone as an individual,
cases are decided by the circumstances of that case not some arbitrary
ruling from the legislature. The members of the judicial systems know
first hand the repeat offenders (often street girls...but I don't wish
to be biased) and can issue a punishment up to six months in jail if they
feel it's justified...This bill does nothing to strengthen the existing
law, and it weakens our judicial system and further clouds our system
of checks & balances which separate the judicial and legislative branches.
It addition it's main purpose is to be a supposed "tough on crime" talking
point during election season, while rewarding the financial interests
who have turned prisons into a multi-billion dollar enterprises and have
contributed to the the political campaigns of the bill's sponsors. Corporations
should not profit at the expense of single mothers and families and neither
should politicians.
My final point would be how much is the bill going to cost, not just in
it's administration but also to lost tourism, golf, and convention business,
naturally I am not implying that every tourist utilizes the services of
prostitutes...but the first time one of these Doctors, Lawyers, Real Estate
Developers, or Financial Strategists, who come here for a convention or
golf and a little stress release..losses their job because they spend
15 days in jail...with no consideration of first time offenders, the option
of stiff fines, community service or other punishment on a case by case
basis... I can imagine how popular a destination we will be, and sorry
but you can't convince me that the prudes of the world will make up the
difference in lost revenue to our state.
This bill affects much more than what is on the surface, and regardless
of anyone's opinion on prostitution or what consenting adults do behind
closed doors, HB2307, is bad for everyone because it hurts our judicial
AZ Prostitution Bill Now Up to Governor Napolitano
I doubt phone calls with these arguments will do any good but SWOP has
put out a plea to help prostitutes in AZ. Of course no one seems to ever
raise the point there is a HUGE difference between the public nuisance
street hooker vs the consenting adult private provider, legal in almost
all the world at least outcall except the U.S. But all the public thinks
about is the street hooker and groups like SWOP are dong private sexwork
harm by insisting on the rights of street hookers to legally be a public
I have attached my FAX to Governor Napolitano. My views are very different
from that of SWOP's promoting street hookers which is why their efforts
and other prostitution group's have always failed. But we are at least
on the same side regarding mandatory jail terms for first offense prostituion
convictions for all in AZ. Phoenix already has a similar law. I suggest
folks respond and also FAX the governor. There may not be time to have
letters sent.
I am taking this opportunity to at least be bold and state my case in
my FAX attached as a word document which I have already FAXED to Governor
Napolitano. I am trying to do something not just remain silent. Just like
I did speaking at public hearings and the City of Phoenix Council when
they passed the new strip club law and made swing clubs illegal in Phoenix.
None of us were able to stop the power of the Christian right behind these
laws even with virtually no support other than from the Christian group
at all the public hearings and final City Council meeting in 1998.
Here is SWOPS Maling although I'm not sure canned letters sent to the
Governor have much sway:
From Robyn Few <>
I just got off the phone with the Gov's office. They were very nice and
said if we wanted the Gov to veto this bill we had to call, write and
email. Every damn one of us.
Please support SWOP AZ and do it now.
Urgent!!! Action needed in AZ! Please help!!!
HB 2307 says a first offense means a mandatory 15 days in jail, with 30
days for a second conviction, 60 days for a third and 180 days for anything
beyond that. It also says people are not eligible for early release.
HB2307 has been passed by legislators in AZ and it’s now at the desk of
Gov. Napolitano. Please call AND fax Governor Napolitano and ask her to
veto HB 2307!
Telephone(602) 542-4331
Toll Free 1-(800) 253-0883 (within AZ only)
Fax (602) 542-1381
Talking points:
HB2307 Is bad for Arizona families. HB2307 will separate single mothers
from their chidren, furthering the hardship that families in Arizona already
HB2307 is bad for women in AZ. HB2307 does not address the core issues
of housing, education, employment an meeting the basic needs of women
in AZ. Rather, it punishes women who already struggle to survive.
HB2307 will NOT end prostitution in AZ. Prostitution will exist as long
as education and employment opportunities are not available to women in
need. Punishing women is not a solution, it will create undue burden on
the state, fill up jails and prisons, and destroy Arizona families.
More info about HB2307
If you’d like to fax the governor, please cut and paste this sample text
into a word doc, or write your own:
To: Governor Napolitano
Fax (602) 542-1381
Re: HB 2307
Dear Gov. Napolitano,
I’m writing to ask that you veto HB2307, a bill that creates harsher penalties
for prostitution convictions.
HB2307 is bad for Arizona families. HB2307 will separate single mothers
from their children, furthering the hardship that families in Arizona
already face.
HB2307 is bad for women in AZ. HB2307 does not address the core issues
of housing, education, employment an meeting the basic needs of women
in AZ. Rather, it punishes women who already struggle to survive.
Harsh penalties for prostitution make it difficult for women who are victims
of violence to seek police help. According to a 2001 study done by the
UCSF Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, San Francisco Department of
Public Health and St James Infirmary, 53% of women in prostitution experience
violence, yet only 3% report violence to police. Furthermore, out of that
53%, 15% of the violence was perpetrated by police.
HB2307 will NOT end prostitution in AZ. Prostitution will exist as long
as education and employment opportunities are not available to women in
need. Punishing women is not a solution, it will create undue burden on
the state, fill up jails and prisons, and destroy Arizona families.
According to a report in the Hastings Law Journal, "...average arrest,
court and incarceration costs amount to nearly $ 2,000.00 per arrest.
Cities spend an average of 7.5 million dollars on prostitution control
every year..." (Hastings Law Journal, April 1987. pp 769-800)
This is not the most effective use of the state’s funds for addressing
prostitution-related issues. Arizona would benefit from getting input
from women’s rights groups, organizations that advocate for the rights
of women of color and poor women, organizations that do outreach work
for prostitutes and other stakeholders in these policies.
I urge you to veto HB2307 and seek out real solutions for addressing issues
of prostitution in Arizona. For more information and resources, please
Robyn Few
Sex Workers Outreach Project USA
333 Valencia St. Ste. 445
San Francisco, CA 94103
Again Dave's very different FAX is attached (below)
PO Box 55045 Phoenix, AZ 85078-5045
Promoting Positive Christian Intimacy & Sexuality
To: Governor Napolitano
Fax (602) 542-1381
Re: VETO HB 2307
Dear Gov. Napolitano,
I'm writing to ask that you veto HB2307, and have an honest study and
recognition that there is a HUGE difference between the public nuisance
street hooker and the private consenting adult prostitute that is legal
in virtually all the world, except the U.S. The private sexworker in my
experience providers a great service to a culture with none of the negative
effects of street hookers. Yet there is no recognition of this difference
in the morality laws, including HB2307 pushed by the religious zealots.
In biblical times there was nothing whatsoever wrong with "common" prostitutes
often mentioned in the bible with no negative inference. In the
Bible it was the idolatrous worship of the pagan goddess, such as the
fertility Gods by the prostitutes in the Corinthian temples which was
what Paul so strongly preached against. But the conservative Christian
movement wants to stamp out all consenting adult sexual options based
on biblical ignorance and their own agendas to control people and make
morality laws that are unconstitutional.
The Supreme Court agreed with the right of privacy and the fact that laws
can not be based on "morality" in the Texas vs. Lawrence case.
I have written extensive on biblical issues and am co-founder of Liberated
Christians, I also have extensive personal
experience with consenting adult sexwork especially in Canada. I
have various websites, and
Because of the legal issues I do not do anything that violates the repressive
laws in AZ, but mostly enjoy Canada where like most of the rest of the
world, private consenting adult sexwork (the term for private prostitution)
has always been legal (at least outcall) with no health or negative issues.
I have no personal financial interest in any prostitution activities.
It is time to stop those with a narrow religious view from dictating what
they thing consenting adults should do in private.
Private consenting adult sexwork should not be a crime. Much less
have mandatory jail time. These laws benefit no one in our culture and
enforcement against private sexwork is a huge waste of public resources
when there is no victim other than the religious zealots that want to
impose their views on citizens.
I agree street prostitution needs to be addressed but for its public nuisance
or often drug and pimping related issues not because of prostitution.
There are no legitimate negative issues around private consenting adult
prostitution - most of the world realizes that.
Dave xxxxxxx
Co-founder Liberated Christians
Promoting Positive Consenting Adult Sexuality
Fax 602-955-xxxx
Hi Everyone
The outreach program has been in place for 4 years now and I know the
ladies here it was started in San Francisco by Robin Few who after being
taken to the cleaners and life destroyed by the Feds has devoted her life
now to bringing the decimalization of prostitution out in the open .They
have many reputable women's groups backing and they do a lot of speaking
tours to groups .Everyone always ask what can we do well this is a start
to help out community and our trade . The Outreach Group is spreading
to other states they now have chapters in about 5 states and growing Az
Chapter needs our help!!!
I (Dave) also sent to Woodhull Foundation which I wrote a lot about
with the swing club issues a few years ago. Their reply:
Thanks, Dave. Would you mind if I share your post with selected individuals
who work on these issues?
Ricci Joy Levy, Executive Director
The Woodhull Freedom Foundation
1325 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Suite 700
Washington, DC 20005
P: 202.628.3333
F: 202.628.3330
Of course I replied by all means would welcome them getting involved with
private sexwork issues!
Ricci replied:
The decriminalization of sex work is a definite commitment for WFF. We
very much appreciate your continued support. Please feel free to contact
me directly if there are any issues about which you think we should be
Sample Comments From Alert E-Mailing
Thanks again for your continuing leadership in promoting a healthy, safe,
happy and progressive society rather than a sexually repressive, deviant
and violent society that the religious right is trying to create.
It is about time that somebody do something about those stupid laws.
Keep up the good work.
Dear Governor Napolitano,
Please veto HB 2307 that enacts harsher penalties for someone who works
in or solicits prostitution. It is the prostitution laws that are creating
the situation many cities are seeing with regards to sex for sale.
I call upon you to instead back the decriminalization of prostitution.
Consenting adults should not be penalized for having sex in their own
personal lives and the state's tax dollars should be spent arresting and
prosecuting murderers, robbers and rapists. Not scrutinizing the private
lives of
consenting adults.
HB 2307 is a waste of time and money. Please reject this idiotic piece
Michael Renzulli
Dave notes Mike is active with the Libertarian party and met in the days
of the swing club fights with Phoenix which sadly Phoenix won.
AP News Article
Governor gets bill on jail time for prostitutes, customers>/h2>
Wednesday, May 3, 2006
PHOENIX (AP) - The sponsor of a bill to require jail time for prostitutes
and their customers says its intended to provide a statewide solution
to a situation where prostitutes go from one city to another to avoid
local crackdowns. ‘‘We've blown all the prostitutes across one side, we've
blown them back across the other side, but the problem of prostitution
has never been fully addressed,'' said Sen. Chuck Gray, a Mesa Republican
and a former police officer.
The Senate on Wednesday approved, by a nearly party-line 18-11 vote, Gray's
bill (HB2307) to require 15 days in jail for a first offense, 30 days
for a second offense, 60 days for a third offense and 180 days for any
additional offenses. The bill now goes to the governor. Prostitution is
a misdemeanor punishable by up to six months in jail but the bill would
mandate jail time and make a fourth or subsequent offense a low-grade
felony. The Senate previously had approved a version of the bill without
the jail mandate but the mandate was restored by a House-Senate conference
Gray said the jail mandate is intended to get prostitutes off the street
and into rehabilitation programs, like one already in place in Phoenix,
‘‘to get them out of their destructive lifestyles.'' ‘‘There are some
situations where those ladies have no other place to turn. When you turn
them back on the street, the only people taking care of them are their
drug dealers or pimps,'' he said.
Opponents criticized both the mandatory jail time and the felony provision,
which one senator said would hamper rehabilitation efforts. Former prostitutes
‘‘will be non-employable with a felony on their record,'' said Sen. Paula
Aboud, D-Tucson. Sen. Bill Brotherton, D-Phoenix, said the jail mandate
doesn't make sense for women trapped in abusive situations or struggling
with drug problems. ‘‘This goes the wrong direction with regards to these
folks,'' Brotherton said. Gray said the felony provision is a recognition
that some prostitutes won't give up the trade. ‘‘Those that are unwilling
... to go through the program or keep reoffending, those folks probably
need to move to another state,'' Gray said. ‘‘The felony conviction is
the hammer.'' Gray stressed that the measure applies equally to prostitutes
and their customers.
‘‘We're not singling out the ladies. We're not singling out the men,''
he said. ‘‘If you arrest a john, he gets arrested for prostitution because
the crime is exchanging money for sex. Whichever side of that transaction
you're on, you get charged.''
The bill drew support from several law enforcement groups and opposition
from groups providing social services.
Other news article comments - KVOA Tucson:
Residents say they want to clean up the streets. "Every day, I come home
from work and I see them standing around. I'm serious. It's pretty bad,"
said one man who says he's now "used to" seeing prostitutes outside his
Midtown home. Another concerned resident, Merlin Henderson, told News
4, "It would be nice if something could be done about it, I mean, we're
certainly not going to be able to do it individually." Dave says yes about
street prostitution far different than private consenting adult sexwork
but its all bad per the religious right and those that don't care about
the differences.