Outstanding Article !
Who Will Rescue Us from Those Who Wish to Rescue Us Against Our Will?
January 26, 2005
by Norma Jean Almodovar
The "rescue and reformation" of prostitutes has always been a big business.
In the late 19th century, "fallen women" (prostitutes) had literally hundreds
of Rescue Organizations vying for their souls and the money that went with
their "salvation." Most of those prostitutes unlucky enough to be so rescued
could count on a life of slavery as inmates in the laundries, asylums and
penitentiaries built by "faith based" organizations who raised thousands of
dollars from the church-going public, horrified by the stories of the "poor,
betrayed and fallen women" of the streets. It wasn't until the mid 1990's
when an inadvertent act of greed uncovered the scandal in Ireland of the Magdalen
laundresses -- "Maggies" as they were called -- whose slave labor in the laundries
had enriched the coffers of the local Catholic Churches there for well over
100 years.
In the later part of the twentieth century, a curious phenomenon occurred:
the far left radical feminists, who had been for many years preaching the
gospel of prostitution as a violation of human rights and sexual exploitation
-- got in bed with religious conservatives who were all too happy to accept
the new wording for their age-old moral crusade against prostitution. The
religious conservatives had, for the most part, lost the public's sympathy
with their crusade against personal moral choices such as homosexuality and
abortion, and needed a new holy war to inspire their congregations. But to
reach the general populace, the wording needed to be altered so as not to
be perceived as just another "moral" campaign. The radical feminists had the
jargon already constructed- "anti-trafficking" was a fight against the sexual
degradation of women and children -- not a fight against immoral behavior,
and thus could the public be persuaded it was imperative to pass new laws
and spend of millions of dollars to "rescue" the "sexually exploited." Whose
heart strings wouldn't be stirred at the thought of young children and women
forced to perform sex acts upon evil, lust-filled men? Who wouldn't be justifiably
disturbed at the thought of greedy pimps making billions of dollars off the
sale of those poor, exploited persons?
There was only one problem: prostitutes had begun fighting for their rights
in the early 1970's and had become vocal about wanting to decriminalize consenting
adult prostitution. Around the world, prostitutes' rights organizations were
started by young, articulate, politically savvy women and men who believed
the original feminist creed of self-determination. We had the audacity to
think that the mantra "my body, my choice" for abortion rights also applied
to us and our bodies. Can you imagine our surprise when we were told that
there is no such thing as "choice" to engage in commercial sex?
"Sexual exploitation" is a subjective concept and requires the use of other
inflammatory and deceitful words to reinforce it. So radical feminists and
religious conservatives adopted a take no prisoners approach, and simply disallowed
from being heard the voices of us activists who favor decriminalization of
all private, consenting adult commercial sex.
Radical feminists and religious conservatives insist that no distinction be
made between consenting adult commercial sex and true sexual slavery. Using
skewed law enforcement statistics- which also do not differentiate between
consenting adult prostitutes and those persons of any age who are coerced
into sex slavery- the global community is duped into believing that there
are possibly millions of trafficked victims worldwide who are nothing short
of "modern day slaves." Without clarification, these statistics are truly
alarming and shocking -- and certainly when there is force, fraud and underage
persons involved, it is without a doubt a very serious problem.
I should point out that domestic violence is also a very serious problem within
marriages and other non-commercial relationships. Anyone who visits a battered
woman's shelter without knowing that domestic violence is an aberration and
not the norm, would no doubt be inclined to want to criminalize marriage in
order to protect women from such violence.
Imagine if our laws did not make a distinction between an act of rape or child
sexual abuse and consenting adult sex; how would the victims of rape and child
sexual abuse be helped by the arrest of every adult person who engaged in
consensual sex? Would the victims of rape be helped if we arrested them? Does
anyone believe that arresting a prostitute "for her own good" is of any value
whatsoever? If prostitution is inherently exploitative, why are prostitutes
considered criminals?
It is time to change the laws so that police and international agencies can
truly assist those who are forced into sexual or any other type of slavery.
Decriminalize all private, consenting adult prostitution -- and allow adult
men and women to determine when and if we are victims of exploitation. When
we need rescuing, we promise we will call you.
Norma Jean Almodovar, a retired prostitute and former employee of the Los
Angeles Police Department, is Founder and President of ISWFACE (International
Sex Worker Foundation for Art, Culture and Education), and Executive Director
of COYOTE LA (Call Off Your Old Tired Ethics). |