Dr. Judith Reisman used sexwork.com out of context regarding CHILD prostitution
Dr. Judith Reisman takes my material out of context of consenting adults and
uses references to sexwork.com linking it to making all prostitution legal
including child prostitution.
Dr Reisman quoting my site says:
One of the many institutional organizations working for worldwide
legalization of prostitution writes:
Prostitution is LEGAL (with some restrictions that aren't that bad) in Canada,
most all of Europe including England, France, Wales, Denmark, etc., most
of South America including most of Mexico (often in special zones), Israel
…Australia, and many other countries. It is either legal or very tolerated
in most all of Asia and even Iran has "temporary wives" which can be for
only a few hours!
She then comments
Cautionary note: most men seeking prostitutes want a fresh supply
of boys and girls, not older, soiled, and commonly venereally diseased,
drug addicted adults! One such pro-prostitution agency observes:
quotes me:
If the U.S. Senate passes the UN Convention that was adopted by
the U.N. General Assembly and has been signed by 165 countries this could
force the U.S. to acknowledge voluntary prostitution is a legal women’s
choice as well as a women’s right to choose abortion. If passed the U.S.
would have to accept these human rights as the treaty provides.[11]
[11]Decriminalize Prostitution Now Coalition,
My e-mail to jar@drjudithreisman.com
You quote me and reference me in your paper at
I wish to point out I think you used it out of context in your argument
about CHILD prostitution. Nowhere have I ever supported under aged sex
in any manner.
Between quoting me you comment: "Cautionary note: most men seeking prostitutes
want a fresh supply of boys and girls, not older, soiled, and commonly
venereally diseased, drug addicted adults!One such pro-prostitution agency
This is totally silly and false. There are zillions of men (by far most)
that have no interest in children only the relatively few who seek children
vs 99% or men around the world enjoying adult sexwork that have zero interest
in children. I am active on many sexworker boards worldwide with millions
of men. I have never heard or met one who seeks children. Obviously a
relatively small number do and somehow find each other underground, but
that is not what sexwork.com nor the many worldwide large sexwork sites
are about.
Private consenting ADULT prostitution is legal in most of the world except
the U.S. and in my view is very beneficial to society. Child prostitution
is not legal nor should it be in the quotes you included from sexwork.com
implying wrongly regarding child prostitution.
These ADULT sexworkers CHOOSE sexwork which has many benefits and has
absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with children. The UN Convention you
reference also is ONLY about consenting adult prostitution not children
as you seem to imply in your article.
The State of RI has one of the better situations in the U.S. A newly passed
strong anti FORCED trafficking law for anyone "forced" and of course even
worse for children. But it leaves consenting adult private prostitution
legal as it should be . Other than the terrible brothel situation in out
state Nevada it is the only State with a sensible prostitution law that
respects the choice of adults to engage in PRIVATE sexwork.
This is also in the spirit of the Supreme Court case Lawrence vs Texas
which supports the sexual choice rights of consenting adults in their
own bedrooms. It is currently being used to argue at lower courts this
should also apply to consenting adult private sexwork, again as in most
of the world except the U.S. But has absolutely nothing to do with children.
Best Wishes,
Dave in Phoenix
Promoting Intimacy and Positive Adult Sexuality with honestly and integrity
Sexwork.com also referenced in
European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control, affiliated with the
United Nations (HEUNI), Helsinki Finland
The European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control, affiliated with
the United Nations Helsinki
These are from 2003-2004 and show how private prostitution is legal in
much of Europe but dealing with forced trafficking. My site used as reference
about laws in England. |