Former professor accused of prostitution, commits suicide
Is Society Now safer? 1/29/07
BALTIMORE Maryland authorities say a former university professor accused of
prostitution hanged herself over the weekend. Brandy Britton's body was found
at her home in suburban Baltimore by a family member. She was a sociology
and anthropology professor at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County
until she lost her job in 1999 and filed a discrimination suit.
Britton was charged a year ago with four counts of prostitution. She had been
scheduled to go on trial next Monday. The charges carried up to a year in
jail each. A prosecutor says it's unlikely she would have served any time.
Her attorney questions whether the public was served by Britton's arrest and
Comments from a blog sent to me:
Brandy Britton, 43, had been a professor at the University of Maryland.
She taught in the fields of sociology and anthropology at the University
of Maryland until 1999 when she lost her job. There isn’t a high demand
in those fields. You rarely hear anyone saying, “Gee, I was looking for
a good anthropologist. Can you recommend anyone?” So Britton turned to the
oldest profession in the books, so old in fact that anthropologists study
it. She became a prostitute.
And things must have gone well enough for her since she continued in the
profession for some years. One year ago the local police, having run out
of real criminals to pursue, turned their attention to Britton and arrested
her. The local prosecutor also lacking any other activity of value worth
doing was taking her to court in a few days times. Britton faced four charges
and each carried a potential of one year in prison. Britton, however hung
Christopher Flohr was her attorney. He said she was “kind and generous”.
And he noted: “Her death underscores an important question: Was the public
benefited at all by the resources spent on her arrest and prosecution?”
Busybody neighbors bare some of the responsibility. They noticed “men pulling
up in fancy cars and staying only briefly”. What is missing? They didn’t
notice any deterioration of the upscale neighborhood. They didn’t find drug
dealers or other prostitutes hanging around outside the door. In fact they
didn’t see anything except men periodically driving up to Britton’s home.
But they suspected she was having sex and in America that’s practically
considered tantamount to genocide. One can have sex, of course, provided
they hide the fact and feel guilty about it.
With the nosey neighbors peering over the fence, hoping to catch a glimpse
of something salacious, the police decided to investigate. Now one news
article I read said: “According to Baltimore Crime Statistics and Crime
Data, Baltimore’s crime level rates ‘worse’ than the national average in
every category except the ‘Rape” category.”
The Baltimore Examiner had a headline that screamed: “In Baltimore, not
even police officers are safe from random crime.” They write: “Two visiting
law enforcement officers were robbed at gunpoint outside a bar in a trendy
section of Baltimore, hours before they were to attend the funeral of a
Baltimore detective who was shot to death during a robbery attempt at the
end of his shift.”
Police Commissioner Leonard Hamm said: “We’re hurting as a city.” After
this attack one of the police officers said: “I’m upset that stuff like
this is happening in Baltimore and in areas that are fairly decent. I could
have been dead. This is terrible. This city has been horrible lately.” Horrible
lately? Perhaps true but the city is sending a message to women who engage
in prostitution.
So they don’t have the resources to fight robbers and murderers. But the
police and the prosecutors and the courts can spend hours going after woman
like Britton. They can put them under surveillance and troll the internet
to see if they are advertising prices for their services -- which is what
they did in Britton’s case. And real criminals are dangerous! They sometimes
do nasty things to officers who arrest them. It’s safer to arrest someone
who is harmless, someone like Britton. So that’s what they did while Baltimore
goes to hell in a handcart.
Brandy Britton’s arrest made life difficult for her. She had to hire an
attorney and attorneys are not cheap in America. To make things worse she
had to stop working since the police were watching her. With her trial only
days away she would have been despondent. With no income she was desperate.
And then she found the piece of paper on the front door of her home. It
was being repossessed. The only glimmer of hope she had was that a conviction
could mean she wouldn’t need a home -- the state of Maryland would provide
one at great expense to the taxpayers.
The eviction notice, coming on top of the arrest and pending trial, was
obviously more than she could take. So she hung herself.
That must give some comfort to the people of Baltimore and the nosey neighbors
with nothing better to do. An obviously dangerous criminal is now off the
streets -- permanently. She may have been kind. She may have been generous.
She may have done nothing to harm another person. But the good Christian
people of Baltimore can sleep knowing that one less prostitute threatens
their safety. But if I were them I’d sleep with one eye open. While the
police and prosecutor were chasing Britton they were ignoring murderers,
rapists, thieves, and sundry other violent individuals who actually violate
the rights of others. But in a decent society you have to have priorities.
After all this horrible woman was having sex! For money!!!!
A visit to Baltimore might mean that you get mugged, your wife is murdered
and your daughter is raped. But joy of all joy, Brandy Britton isn’t around
to solicit you anymore. Don’t you feel better already?