Olympic fever grips Sydney brothels - queues build up

SYDNEY, Sept 23 (Reuters) - As Olympic fever grips Sydney, the queues are building up everywhere from trains to stadiums. It now even takes two hours to be served in a brothel.

Keeping up with the Olympic pace is hard work for the girls at the legalised brothels in the harbour city, madams report. ``It's like New Year's Eve. We can't keep up with it,'' the spokeswoman for one brothel told the Sydney Morning Herald. Clients had ranged from an Olympic basketball team to a soccer team, she said. But the athletes, issued with three condoms each at the Olympic village when the Games began, have to wait patiently in line. Another brothel said regulars had abandoned it but Olympic trade was booming with several athletes signing in under the name ``John.''

In the world's oldest profession, it shows that it pays to advertise. Sydney prostitutes have been offering ``Sprints! Relays! and Marathons!'' in an advertising drive to cash in on the Games. One brothel in the Lidcombe area near the Olympic Homebush Bay complex insists in an advert in the Daily Telgraph tabloid that it has ``gold medal specialists'' to entertain clients. Another near the Olympic venues says: ``Go for gold! We always go the distance.''

Sydney's gay community have also welcomed the Olympics with open arms. Cheleas Bun, Tess Tickle and Bust-Up are going for gold with a swimming nightclub act called the Aqueerium Games.

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